assistancecan save lives!


If you feel unwell, press the red button on the watch. Our operator will respond immediately to the alert and send the appropriate assistance:
​​​​​​​Ambulance | Fire department | Police

Situations the Premium Service can provide assistance

SOS – Életveszélyben – nem csak otthon

Emergency – not only at home

Not location-based, it is usable anywhere

  • in case of feeling sick or unwell
  • in case of fire
  • in case of attack
Otthoni vészhelyzetben

Emergency at home

Repairs are covered up to HUF 50 000 per year

  • e.g. plumbing failure
  • e.g. a key broken in the lock
  • e.g. electric short-circuit
Egészségügyi kérdésekben

For any health-related questions

You may receive a physician's advice at home *

  • regarding general health
  • what to do in case of illness
  • interpreting diagnostic reports or examination results

* The Teledoctor service does not constitute medical diagnostic practice, and should not
be used in lieu of examination by a trained physician or specialist. For details, click here.

To whom would you provide safety?


“I am often afraid of not hearing the phone or running out of battery right when my Father would have need of me.”

“I have been far enough from my parents that if they called me for help, there would have been no way for me to get there on time.”

“I often think about whether he has gotten out of bed today, had enough exercise, or if his blood pressure and pulse are normal”

Your peace of mind matters too!

  • While handling the emergency, we will keep you informed as well.
  • We provide round-the-clock care for your loved one, you do not have to be nearby.
  • When we take care of a home emergency, you do not have to get involved in any way – e.g. we will make the call to the repairmen, etc., and we will even cover the cost of handling the emergency up to HUF 50 000 per year
  • You do not have to take your elderly loved one to consult with a doctor and wait in a crowded place


Have you ever been alone and felt vulnerable?

Have any appliances ever broken in your home without you knowing whom to call for dependable assistance?

Have you ever felt sick in public and not known whom to call?

Have you ever had to quickly check your blood pressure / pulse values, or wanted to know how many steps you had taken in a day?

You can depend on us in an emergency!

  • If you have no close relative or friend you can call upon in an emergency, our round-the-clock service will fulfill that role.
  • You do not have to get involved in any way – e.g. we will make the call to the repairmen, etc., and we will even cover the cost of handling the emergency up to HUF 50 000 per year.
  • You do not have to wait in a crowded doctor's office – you can consult a physician's advice from the comfort of your own home.

What do you have to do in order to instantly be able to use the Premium Service?


  • Order the PS-watch and the Guardian Angel service by clicking on the Purchase button
  • Purchase a SIM card* and place it into the PS-watch
  • Create a user account at the website

* The PS-watch is an unlocked device. The watch will accept a prepaid card as well.
The watch consumes about 50 MB of data per month, so we recommend purchasing at least 1 GB of data per year for the SIM. Tested with Vodafone, T-Mobile, and Telenor SIM cards.


  • Order the PS-watch and the Guardian Angel service by clicking on the Purchase button
  • Download and install the Private Sentinel mobile application
  • Create a user account at the website

to iPhone

to Android

Vonalas telefonnal

  • Order the PS-watch and the Guardian Angel service by clicking on the Purchase button
  • Create a user account at the website

Premium Service

Remote supervision and emergency alert service

Handling of SOS emergency calls and 24-hour remote supervision

Teledoctor and home emergency management assistance

Organization of specialist doctor's examinations

Available subscriptions:


(6 990 HUF/month)

Pdf (~35 kb)
Premium Plus

(9 990 HUF/month)

Pdf (~35 kb)
audio call
Zone surveillance
Blood pressure
remote scan
battery time

Take care of
each other

Our loved ones' lives often depend on how quickly help arrives.

With the PS-Watch they receive a constant monitoring service and can ask for help just with the push of a button.

The safety of our loved ones is the greatest gift

Giving help.
Effectively. Anytime.

In case of SOS alert the watch starts an automatic call towards the pre-set person. Relatives are notified as well.


Not location-dependent, usable anywhere

Easy and quick set up.

Thanks to the inserted SIM card it functions as a stand alone device. No need of a mobile or data plan.


1 short button press

time, date, number of steps

One press of the main button displays the time, date and the number of steps taken on that day.

2 short button presses

heart rate and blood pressure scan

Wearer can start heart rate&blood pressure scan at any time.
The data are indicative only, they don't substitute examination by a medical professional.

3 short button presses +1 long

phone book

Phone number put into your phone book can be dialed from the Watch.
The watch works as a phone during the talk.

4 short button presses + 1 long

turn off

Before taking off or restarting the watch, turn off the device. Don't forget to turn on before use.


1 long button press

At the moment of alert, the watch calls automatically the phone number saved into the phonebook, and the messages supported by the system are sent to the pre-set persons.


John Smith

  • 7 February, 2:19 PM
  • 87%
  • 125 / 70 | 71
  • 5 749

Private Sentinel: peace of mind in security

By installing the Private Sentinel app on their mobile phones, your loved ones can monitor you from a distance.
They can even start a blood pressure scan from the application.

Download the application:

Main features of the PS-Watch

SOS alert button

In case of trouble, you can notify many persons that you are in need of help.

GSM audio call

The PS-Watch has a SIM card slot, thus it does not require a separate mobile. The preset phone number may be called, and the PS-Watch may be called from any phone number.

Zone surveillance

If the wearer of the PS-Watch leaves the designated area, we send an alert to the authorized person.

Blood pressure scan, heart rate scan

You can measure the blood pressure and heart rate of the PS-Watch holder by pressing one button from the Private Sentinel application or website.


Minimal water spray, e.g. While washing hands will not affect the device, but extended use in a wet environment, such as while showering, may impact the reliable operation of the PS-Watch. Avoid contact of the watch with continuously flowing water.

Rechargeable battery

The rechargeable battery allows for an extended operating time.

Our partners

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A PS-Watch honlapja sütiket használ a megfelelő működés, elemzések készítése, valamint az Ön számára releváns, személyre szabott ajánlatok összeállítása érdekében. Ezek használatát az „ELFOGADOM” gomb megnyomásával jóváhagyja. A sütik és kódok használatának tiltását itt teheti meg.

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